Everyone from a first-year patrol officer to a seasoned SWAT operator or undercover detective as well as all Military Special Forces/EOD personnel can benefit from our Covert Methods of Entry (CMoE) class. Training is conducted by a police veteran with a diverse background who has over two and a half decades of experience and is also certified as a locksmith, as well as a very qualified team of instructors/locksmiths with field experience in varying covert entry techniques. Each student will receive a free basic lock pick set upon successful completion of the class.
Types of locks include:
Residential knobs and deadbolts
Commercial knobs and deadbolts
Padlocks of varying types
Combination locks
Four-number combination locks
Strong-box (fire safe) lock
Cabinet locks
Rim locks
Simplex locks
Trigger locks
TSA approved luggage locks
And more..
Training is accomplished in a two eight-hour day format. The class can be approved for 16 hours of Arizona POST continuing education and training credit if the agency in the city where the class is being conducted is wiling to pursue POST approval. We will happily work with agencies to pursue POST approval for the course in any state. Each day consists of both lecture and plenty of hands-on practice, with well over 200+ locks available. *NOTE: THE COVERT METHODS of ENTRY TRAINING (CMoE) COURSE CONTAINS ALL INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE VEHICLE ENTRY CLASS.
Hosting a class:
Agencies may host a class at their own facilities. Host agencies will receive one (1) free slot in the class when the class reaches 10 paid positions. If the class reaches 15 paid positions, the host agency will receive two (2) free spots. Paid positions do not need to all come from the host agency, but all agencies attending combined. We will work with you to provide a training flyer for distribution to potential students and surrounding agencies. Additionally, we will post the class to our web site as well as policetraining.net at no cost to you. To schedule a class or for additional questions please contact us at [email protected]. If you are interested in hosting a “Closed Registration” class (a class specifically designated to your own personnel and not open to outside departments/agencies) we will be happy to work with you. We can even work with you to negotiate a set fee to train a fixed number of students
*This offer is subject to change without notice. Some things that may cause this to change are: distance of travel for instructors, number of instructors required for training, special training needs and/or requests, unforeseen costs or circumstances. This offer (free training positions) is not available to agencies in the Phoenix-Metro area as we have training locations in our local area. We will do our best to ensure that notification of any changes are made as soon as practicable. Thank you for your understanding! *This class is NOT meant to be a Train-the-Trainer (TTT) class. No portion of the training materials, in whole or in part, may be copied, disseminated, distributed or utilized for additional training purposes without the expressed written consent of Jericho Specialized Entry Training. All class content is copyrighted material. Utilization of the materials outside the scope of “personal use” is strictly prohibited.